
Latin: Zingiber officinale

Therapeutic Action:

Medical research has shown that ginger root is an effective treatment for nausea caused by motion sickness or other illness. Although very effective against all forms of nausea, PDR health officials do not recommend taking ginger root for morning sickness commonly associated with pregnancy. Ginger root also contains many antioxidants. Powdered dried ginger root is made into pills for medicinal use. Chinese women traditionally eat ginger root during pregnancy to combat morning sickness. Ginger ale and ginger beer have been recommended as "stomach settlers" for generations in countries where the beverages are made. Ginger water was commonly used to avoid heat cramps in the United States in the past. In addition to providing relief from nausea and vomiting, ginger extract has long been used in traditional medical practices to decrease inflammation. In fact, many herbalists today use ginger to help treat health problems associated with inflammation, such as arthritis, bronchitis, and ulcerative colitis. In a recent study of 261 people with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee, those who received a ginger extract twice daily experienced less pain and required fewer pain-killing medications compared to those who received placebo. Although there have also been a few other studies of the benefit of ginger for arthritis, one recent trial found that the herb was no more effective than ibuprofen (a medication frequently used to treat OA) or placebo in reducing symptoms of OA. Although it is much too early to tell if this will benefit those with heart disease, a few preliminary studies suggest that ginger may lower cholesterol and prevent the blood from clotting. Each of these effects may protect the blood vessels from blockage and the damaging effects of blockage such as atherosclerosis, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Again, however, it is too early too know if these initial study results will ultimately prove helpful for people. More research would be helpful.


  • Nadkarni, Vol I, Pages 1308- 1315
  • Paranjape Pages 246-247
  • Leung & foster Pages 271-273
  • Nadkarni, Vol I, P 1310

Used in:

  • Fluton Plus Capsule
  • Entrox Forte Tablets / Ferolin Forte Tablets
  • Fluton Tablets
  • Livnol Tablets
  • Unexozim Tablets
  • Unexohem Capsule
  • Unexozim Forte Capsule
  • Femitona Syrup
  • Entrox Syrup
  • Kufrex Syrup / Livonex SYRUP

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