
Latin: Tephrosia Purpurea

Therapeutic Action:

The benzene extract of the plant was evaluated for its action on the CNS of different laboratory animals. A dose of 100 mg/kg potentiated pentobarbitone sleeping time in mice. The drug acts on specific areas in the brain and modifies the effects of some CNS depressants. Rutin is increasingly used in reversing capillary fragility, and is used as an antihypertensive. The plant shows hepatoprotective activity against Carbon tetrachloride. The plant is used as a digestive, diuretic and anti tussive in ayurvedic practice. It has undergone clinical trials in viral hepatitis and is claimed to improve liver function. The roots are ichthyotoxic, but have weak insecticidal action. In the commonly used doses no; idverse reactions are reported.


  • Nadkarni, Vol I, P 561-62
  • Paranjape Pages 239-240
  • Nadkarni, Vol I, P 561-563

Used in:

  • Livnol Tablets
  • Livonex Syrup / Livonex Drops

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