
Latin: Rubia Cordifolia

Therapeutic Action:

Rubiaceae Medicinal Applications Uses: amenorrhea bleeding blood circulation and purification cancer diarrhea dysentery dysmenorrhea edema heart disease hepatitis herpes jaundice joint pain kidney and gall stones menopause menorrhagia painful menstruation paralysis skin problems rheumatoid arthritis obstructions in urinary passages This herb is also used to cleanse and regulate liver, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys. The fruit is useful in hepatic obstructions. Root paste removes freckles, and discoloration of the skin. Medicinal Uses Alterative; Anodyne; Antiphlogistic; Antitussive; Astringent; Diuretic; Emmenagogue; Expectorant; Febrifuge; Styptic; Tonic; Vulnerary. The roots are alterative, anodyne, antiphlogistic, antitussive, astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, styptic, tonic and vulnerary[147, 176, 178, 218, 240]. They have an antibacterial action, inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis, Pneumococci etc[176]. They are used to lower the blood pressure[176]. The roots are used internally in the treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding, internal and external haemorrhage, bronchitis, rheumatism, stones in the kidney, bladder and gall, dysentery etc[238]. The roots are harvested in the autumn from plants that are at least 3 years old. They are peeled and then dried[238]. The stems are used in Tibetan medicine, where they are considered to have a bitter taste and a cooling potency[241]. Febrifuge, they are used in the treatment of blood disorders and spreading fever of kidneys and intestines[241]. Pharmacological Action: diuretic, cardiac, anti melanoma, antiinflammatory, constipative (anti diarrhea and anti dysentery, emmenagogue, astringent, diuretic/ diuretic, cardiac, antimelanoma, antiinflammatory, antidiarrheal, antidysentery Indications (Uses): CHF, jaundice, droposy, ascites, broken bones, pre-cancerous skin lesions, obesity, gall stones, hi tri glycerides, hi cholesterol, conjunctivitis, bruises, gout, diarrhea, amoebic dysentery, dropsy, paralysis, jaundice, amenorrhea, visceral obstructions/ edema, sty,


  • Nadkarni, Vol I. Page 1075-77
  • Paranjape, Page 167-68
  • Database Vol 5 Page 171-86

Used in:

  • Femitona Tablets
  • Amton Drops / Calciton Syrup / Calciton With Iron Syrup
  • Citazil Syrup
  • Femitona Syrup
  • Pimplex Cream
  • Skeeno Cream
  • Bronil Cream
  • Sans-Stone Syrup / Tablet

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