
Latin: Nardostachys Jatamansi

Therapeutic Action:

Nardostachys jatamansi. Family: Valerianaceae Uses Convulsions, digestive diseases, epilepsy, flatulence, gastric disorders, heart palpitations jaundice, kidney stones, respiratory diseases, skin conditions, typhoid, seminal debility Uses This drug has been experimentally shown to possess a tranquilizing and hypotensive activity in dogs and also induced hypotension in rats. The rhizome is used in ayurveda for the treatment of hysteria and other neurological disorders. It is very interesting to note that in conditions of insomnia and restlessness this drug was used by Sushruta to produce tranquility and sedation. it promotes the growth and blackness of hair. Infusion prepared from the fresh roots is employed in the treatment of spasmodic hysterical states, palpitations and tension headache. It is also said to be useful in menopausal disturbances. Clinical trials were carried out with jatamansone in essential hypertension. Jatamansone has been used in febrile delirium and also in delirium tremens. In dysmenorrhoea, it is used for pain relief and a smooth menstrual flow. LD(50) of Jatamansone was found to be 80.3 mg/kg while in the case of quinidine it is 55 mg/kg. This shows that intravenous toxicity in mice in the case of Jatamansone is less than that with quinidine. Large doses of Jatamansone can cause vomiting and diarrhoea. possess antiarrhythmic activity with possible therapeutical usefulness in cases of auricular flutter; it is less effective than quinidine but has the advantage of being less toxus; oil exerts hypotensive effect and in moderate doses it has a distinct depressant action on the central nervous system; lethal doses cause deep narcosis and death within a few hours; rhizome is considered tonic, stimulant, antispasmodic, diuretic, deobstruent, emmenagogue, stomachic, and laxative; infusion of rhizome is reported to be useful in epilepsy, hysteria, palpitation of heart and chorea; tincture given in intestinal cholic and flatulence; rhizome used as aromatic adjunct in preparation of medicinal oils; reported to promote growth of hair and impart blackness (WI, v. 7, p. 4)


  • Nadkarni, Vol I, Pages 840-842
  • Paranjape Pages 104-105
  • Nadkarni, Vol I. P 840-842
  • Paranjape. P, Indian Medicinal Plants Page 104-105
  • Nadkarni,Vol I. P 631
  • Nadkarni, Vol I. P 841

Used in:

  • Brain-Act Capsules
  • Brain-Act Syrup
  • Calmro
  • Femitona Tablets
  • U-Hair Oil

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