
Latin: Carum Copticum

Therapeutic Action:

Ajwain is the Hindu name for the small, pungent seed of an herb that tastes similar to thyme, and belongs to the cumin and parsley family. Ajwain is used in Ayurvedic herbalism and considered to have warming effects for cold conditions that debilitate, and the boiled seeds were used cleanse the eyes and cure deafness. An old belief was that Ajwain seeds soaked in lemon juice and dried 7 times before ingested cured impotence; however, there are no scientific studies to support those claims. This herb contains thymol which has antibacterial, anti-fungal, and preservative properties. Action:- Digestive, antispasmodic, intestinal antiseptic, carminative, and anthelmintic. Ajwain Uses & Scientific Evidence For Ajwain is useful in treating diarrhea, colic and other bowel problems. It also helps relieve gas. Smoking Ajowan seeds can relieve shortness of breath and mild symptoms of asthma. Ajwain oil is used most often for circulatory problems and is used as a muscle relaxer. Due to the thymol content, Ajwain can be effective in treating ascarids and hookworms. Externally This herb can be used for warts, or to encourage the flow of blood to the surface. Ajwain is also used as a preservative for canned foods. Ajwain Dosage Information Ajwain comes in various forms and is an ingredient in many products. For best results, read and follow product label directions. Ajwain Safety & Interaction Information Ajwain is generally regarded as safe when taken in the recommended doses; however, it can cause skin irritation in some people. If your skin becomes irritated with use of Ajwain, discontinue using it and the symptoms will subside. Safety in young children, pregnant or nursing women, or those with severe liver or kidney disease is not known.


  • Nadkarni, Vol I, P 1028- 1031

Used in:

  • Unexozim Forte Capsule
  • Coldex
  • Unexozim Syrup
  • Entrox Syrup
  • Unexozim Drops
  • Skeeno Cream
  • Bronil Cream

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